Unlocking Hormonal Harmony: Expert Tips and Techniques for Balancing Your Hormones Naturally
“Hormones get no respect. We think of them as the elusive chemicals that make us a bit moody, but these magical little molecules do so much more.”
-Susannah Cahalan
What the Heck are Hormones?
Listen up, men! This isn’t just for the ladies! We hear about “hormones” on a regular basis, but what do we really know about them? Let’s quickly recap what hormones actually do and why they are so vitally important. Then, stay tuned for simple ways to balance your hormones naturally.
The short definition: Hormones are messages that the glands in your body send back and forth to control… just about everything. The actual definition:
Hormones are chemical messages made from protein and fat, used by the endocrine system and glands to control and coordinate your body’s metabolism, energy, mood, sleep, digestion, reproduction, growth and development, and response to injury, stress, and environmental factors.
Most people immediately associate hormones with puberty, the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, or menopause. Yes, those fall under the umbrella of reproduction or growth and development. But, what about metabolism and energy? Do you know anyone with fatigue, weight gain, low libido, or energy crashes after meals? Chances are, you do. How about insomnia, headaches, blood sugar issues, food cravings, poor digestive health, chronic stress, depression, or anxiety? We weren’t exaggerating. You name the symptom, and chances are that it will link back to hormonal dysregulation.
Hormones are a Control Mechanism and a Communication System
The human body has an incredible way of using systems of checks and balances to maintain homeostasis. Two classic examples of these systems include the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axes. The hypothalamus (part of the brain) sends a message (aka hormone) to the pituitary gland (another part of the brain). This tells the pituitary gland to secrete hormones (more messages) that are sent to the ovaries/gonads or the adrenal glands. The ovaries and adrenals then send messages back to the hypothalamus, telling it to start the loop over again.
This is normally one harmonious loop cycling through the body as surely and smoothly as blood pumps continuously through the heart. But, here is one example of how this can all go wrong. Stress. That’s right. The word we have come to know and respect as a constant presence in our busy, demanding, over-stimulated lives.
The adrenal glands are responsible for the body’s response to stress. The moment we perceive stress, the adrenals send a message (hormone) back to the hypothalamus saying STOP! There’s a problem! This temporarily shuts off the HPO axis and many other systems in the body. Normally, as we realize we aren’t in danger, the messages reset and we go back to normal without a glitch. However, as we experience stress repeatedly on a daily basis, the messages can get backed up, crossed, and lost. It’s sort of like having over 1,000 new emails in your inbox every day. Sometimes, it’s just too much to sort through.
So, here is what you can do!
Clearing the Cache: How to help your body send and receive hormonal messages naturally
Be Informed
It’s a great idea to start by identifying your current hormone levels. Ask your TCM doctor, functional medicine doctor, or naturopathic doctor to order a hormone panel. Our favorite is the DUTCH test (dried urine test for comprehensive hormones) because it includes sex hormones from a standard hormone panel, like estrogen and testosterone. In addition, it tests adrenal hormones, cortisol, melatonin, and organic acids.
Eat More Protein and Healthy Fats
Proteins are the building blocks for our cells and create the structural framework for hormones to develop. Grass-fed beef, organic chicken, and wild-caught fish are the best quality sources of animal proteins for hormone health. Likewise, sources of essential fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are paramount for healthy hormone levels and function because hormones are produced from fat and cholesterol. We love ProOmega 2000 by Nordic Naturals for all your Omega needs. You can find this on Fullscript, our online pharmacy, along with other supplement recommendations for a more complete hormone health protocol.
The Two Essential Fluids on Which All Life Depends
Water- A Vital Nutrient. Water is one of our best tools for removing toxins and impurities from the blood. However, chemicals in water have become a public health concern. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals such as disinfection byproducts, fluorinated substances, bisphenols, phthalates, pesticides, and natural and synthetic estrogens can all be found in our drinking water. Exposure to these compounds is associated with countless adverse health and reproductive outcomes. You can get your water tested by a state-certified laboratory or buy various water filters for the countertop, under your sink, or your entire home.
The Air We Breathe. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that indoor air is often 2 to 5 times more polluted than outdoor air. The more obvious sources of pollution are things like dust, pet hair, mold, microbes, and pollen. The less obvious include sources like scented candles, cleaning and personal care products, and insecticides. When particles are inhaled, the body gets to work fending off potential poisons and irritants and produces an immune (and inflammatory) reaction. When the immune system gets activated, so does the endocrine system which controls your hormones. Make sure you have a really good central heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) filter in your home and if not, try to get a portable air filter/purifier. Look for one with an ultra HEPA filter for tiny particles, an activated carbon filter for chemicals/gas, and a high CADR rating (clean air delivery rate). And, of course, avoid scented candles, fragrances/perfumes, and toxic cleaning products.
Castor Oil Packs
These comforting and nourishing packs are stimulating, detoxifying, and something everyone should try! Among many benefits, castor oil + heat can maximize detoxification especially when placed over the lower right side ribs where the liver is located. The liver helps metabolize and break down hormones and is easily overloaded by exposure to everyday toxins. The castor oil packs can also be placed over the abdomen for digestive health and bowel support, another area that must work properly for estrogen metabolism. Traditionally, a flannel or wool cloth is soaked in castor oil and then placed on the skin with a plastic sheet on top. A heating pad is placed over the pack and can be left on for up to an hour, a few times a week. There are also ready-made packs available online where you pour oil on the given fabric, wrap it around yourself, and your body-heat supplies the warmth. We love this product from Queen of the Thrones for easy-peasy castor oil pack applications.
This is a must-mention when it comes to hormone health. When it comes to the HPO and HPA axis, some would say there is no better way to open communication between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and adrenals/ovaries than with an acupuncture treatment. Acupuncture is able to target and identify where different systems can’t communicate properly. These include the HPO and HPA axes, and also the thyroid, pancreas, liver, kidneys, heart, and brain, all of which are vital for hormone balance.
Chinese Herbs
Lastly, Chinese herbs, also known as adaptogens (tonics), have been used for centuries to build up the body’s natural strength and resources. When the body is able to adapt to stressors, hormones will be less thrown off balance as the stress response system easily and gracefully does its job.
There is no one size fits all treatment for balancing hormones. The human body is very resilient and has systems of checks and balances in place for a reason. By making sure each part of the whole is working properly, we allow the systems that nature has set in place to do their jobs. These tips and tricks are like clearing a traffic jam so every car can quickly and easily get to its destination.
Don’t forget to book an appointment with one of our doctors for acupuncture and Chinese herbs tailored specifically to your hormonal needs!