Get Unstuck and Move Forward with Purpose
Health & Life Coaching
“Despite being a seasoned coach, I’m still amazed at the progress people make once they become unstuck.”
-Dr. Munson-
How can coaching help me?
Just as we talk about “qi stagnation” in Chinese medicine–when our energy and circulation are not flowing enough to provide optimal vitality to our bodies–we have all at times experienced something more akin to life stagnation. We feel stuck–often well aware that we are in an unhealthy pattern, engaging in self-sabotaging behaviors, or simply unable to make important decisions that will help propel us toward our greatest potential. Sometimes, it’s an unexpected challenge–like a financial upheaval, or a difficult medical diagnosis–that leaves us unsure of our bearings and the best steps for moving forward.
This is where coaching comes in. It provides a supportive framework for personal and/or professional development, focused on identifying and overcoming your obstacles to success, and then setting and reaching your goals.
“My goal was to lose 15 pounds, which I was successfully able to do after my 12 coaching sessions with Dr. Munson. I’m definitely feeling more confident, but also like I had a realization that I’m a badass mom and person (most of the time), and I’m setting higher standards for myself and others and my life. I’ve genuinely stopped second guessing myself, which is a huge mind shift for me.”
-S.T., new mama seeking balance and transformation
Meet Dr. Munson
In addition to being a Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM), The Wellness Principle’s co-founder Dr. Munson is both a certified health coach and a certified life coach.
After years of clinical practice, he saw that, while acupuncture, herbs, and other Chinese medicine tools are powerful healing modalities, some patients were still not achieving long term optimal wellness–because off of the treatment table, in their daily lives, they were stuck.
He realized that through skilled coaching, people who were previously unable to implement the changes necessary for optimal wellness could get the support they needed to focus on the present and institute actionable goals, enabling them to truly thrive.
“As a holistic doctor, I’m concerned when a patient doesn’t get better, and curious as to why. I feel patient empowerment is key to ensuring long term positive outcomes. As a certified coach, I’m better able to help my patients identify the roadblocks and self-sabotage mechanisms that keep them from reaching their goals and living optimally, as well as to help them break free from those habits or issues that keep them from becoming their highest self.”
Coaching Services Offered
Coaching can take different forms, but it is typically used to help overcome obstacles, set and reach goals, and maximize your potential. The process of coaching has been described as thought-provoking, creative, supportive, and empowering. While there can be similarities, coaching is different from therapy, which focuses more on the past and its influences on your feelings and behaviors. Coaching is more present and future focused. In coaching sessions with his clients, Dr. Munson helps them identify the root of an issue and facilitate the growths, shifts, and solutions they are seeking.
”I know I need to change my diet, but I just can’t seem to make the healthy changes that will help me feel my best”;
”I’ve been unhappy in my job for years, but I don’t know where to start making steps toward more professional fulfillment”;
”I (or a family member) just got a serious medical diagnosis, and I need support around how it is impacting our lives and relationships”;
”I’ve just completed treatment for cancer, and I want to be able to fearlessly navigate the road ahead.”
”I am aware of an unhealthy habit I have, but feel powerless to change it.”
Countless situations can be supported through coaching–some examples include:
What to Expect
Supercharge Your Chinese Medicine Healing
Thanks to our fully integrative approach to wellbeing at The Wellness Principle, coaching sessions with Dr. Munson can be combined with Chinese and integrative medical care. Especially if you’ve felt “stuck” on your healing path, coaching combined with acupuncture, herbs, nutritional and movement therapy can level up your entire approach to health in 12 weeks.
Coaching Focus
Coaching is available as an effective stand-alone practice to help accelerate the realization of your goals or health needs. Different from long-term psychotherapy, coaching sessions are future-focused and designed to help you quickly set–and reach–your goals.
Virtual Sessions, for Wherever You Are
All coaching sessions take place virtually by phone, and are typically offered as a course of 12 weekly sessions, but can be curated to your specific needs. To determine if coaching can help you reach your goals, schedule a free 45-minute consultation with Dr. Munson.